Masco's Talking Points:
- We are entering a different period of forecasting entirely.
- The early 1900's storms could be coming back in full force
- Long term NEGATIVE Arctic Oscillation are greatly influencing our weather today
- 40" plus inch snow seasons will be a common occurring once again.
- The BIG storms your grandfathers talk about will be something you will start to witness.
It is fascinating from a meteorological standpoint to watch a storm go from a sheared off low to a true bomb off ACY with scattered lightning all over the east coast IN JANUARY! The points I have made above are all part of a larger scale that I truly feel will continue to develope over the next several years.
While I am NOT an expert in the field of astronomy I do know that Sunspot cycles play a long term role in the overall temperature means globally. Over the last decades the Sun has had a markedly high average level of sunspot activity; it was last similarly active over 8,000 years ago.
Below you can see the overall trend of the solar cycle since the 1600’s. First off note the low cycle of solar sun spots during the 1600’s to 1790’s. It was during this time period the globe found itself under Little Mini Ice ages. It is generally agreed that there were three minima, beginning about 1650, about 1770, and 1850, each separated by intervals of slight warming.
Below you can see the overall trend of the solar cycle since the 1600’s. First off note the low cycle of solar sun spots during the 1600’s to 1790’s. It was during this time period the globe found itself under Little Mini Ice ages. It is generally agreed that there were three minima, beginning about 1650, about 1770, and 1850, each separated by intervals of slight warming.
Starting in the 13th century, pack ice began advancing southwards in the North Atlantic, as did glaciers in Greenland. The three years of torrential rains beginning in 1315 ushered in an era of unpredictable weather in Northern Europe which did not lift until the 19th century. There is anecdotal evidence of expanding glaciers almost worldwide. In contrast, a climate reconstruction based on glacial length shows no great variation from 1600 to 1850, though it shows strong retreat thereafter. The Little Ice Age brought colder winters to parts of Europe and North America. Farms and villages in the Swiss Alps were destroyed by encroaching glaciers during the mid-17th century. Canals and rivers in Great Britain and the Netherlands were frequently frozen deeply enough to support ice skating and winter festivals. The first River Thames frost fair was in 1607; the last in 1814, although changes to the bridges and the addition of an embankment affected the river flow and depth, hence diminishing the possibility of freezes. The freeze of the Golden Horn and the southern section of the Bosphorus took place in 1622. In 1658, a Swedish army marched across the Great Belt to Denmark to invade Copenhagen. The Baltic Sea froze over, enabling sledge rides from Poland to Sweden, with seasonal inns built on the way. The winter of 1794-1795 was particularly harsh when the French invasion army under Pichegru could march on the frozen rivers of the Netherlands, while the Dutch fleet was fixed in the ice in Den Helder harbor. In the winter of 1780, New York Harbor froze, allowing people to walk from Manhattan to Staten Island. Sea ice surrounding Iceland extended for miles in every direction, closing that island's harbors to shipping.
Finally, came the 19th century. During this era an uptick in the amount of solar activy began to occur which maxed out on Sept 1st 1859 known as the Carrington Event. This event caused major chaos in telegraph service in addition to an Aura seen as far south as Havana, Cuba.
I want you to look at the graph below.. Note the 20 sunspot number (ie Wolf or zurich number). The 1950-late 1970's featured unusually cool winters/summers with a ton of snow which was followed by the 1980's-2000 which features normal to below normal snowfall over North America with a few years that were the exception to that rule.
I want you to look at the graph below.. Note the 20 sunspot number (ie Wolf or zurich number). The 1950-late 1970's featured unusually cool winters/summers with a ton of snow which was followed by the 1980's-2000 which features normal to below normal snowfall over North America with a few years that were the exception to that rule.
Note 2010...In 2006 NASA made a prediction for the next sunspot maximum, being between 150 and 200 around the year 2011 (30-50% stronger than cycle 23), followed by a weak maximum at around 2022. The prediction did not come true. Instead, the sunspot cycle in 2010 is still at its minimum, where it should have been near its maximum, showing the sun's unusual low activity. 2010 also featured the winter of HISTORIC cold and snow with North Atlantic oscillation and Arcticoscillation numbers nearing historic negitive low numbers.
The first thing that should capture your attention is the idea we are already below what the expectations were. The lack of solar activity over the next 10 years could be a sign of very cold global temperatures beyond 2010.
Let's not forget to mention the idea of Volcano's and Volcanic ash in the stratosphere. The Image below will also show you volcanos and solar irradiation trends since 2400BC. Hmm .. Didn't we just have a pretty solid Volcano erruption this year that spewed volcanic ash beyond 30,000' in the air?
The INCREASE in growing glaciers news is there... with several media outlets world wide reporting it... WHAT'S NEXT?
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1. Himalayan glaciers are growing, not shrinking
Things are not as they seemed to be in the IPCC report. Not only are the Himalayan glaciers not shrinking, they’re growing. Discovery reports:
Perched on the soaring Karakoram mountains in the Western Himalayas, a group of some 230 glaciers are bucking the global warming trend. They’re growing. Throughout much of the Tibetan Plateau, high-altitude glaciers are dwindling in the face of rising temperatures. The situation is potentially dire for the hundreds of millions of people living in China, India and throughout southeast Asia who depend on the glaciers for their water supply.
But in the rugged western corner of the plateau, the story is different, according to a new study. Among legendary peaks of Mt. Everest like K2 and Nanga Parbat, glaciers with a penthouse view of the world are growing, and have been for almost three decades.
“These are the biggest mid-latitude glaciers in the world,” John Shroder of the University of Nebraska-Omaha said. “And all of them are either holding still, or advancing.”
3. Norwegian glaciers. Growing again. reports on the growth of Norwegian glaciers:
“After years of decline, glaciers in Norway are again growing, reports the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate. The actual magnitude of the growth, which appears to have begun over the last two years, has not yet been quantified, says NVE Senior Engineer Hallgeir Elvehøy.”The developments were originally reported by the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK).
4. Glaciers growing on Canada’s tallest mountain tells the tale of glaciers growing on Canada’s tallest mountain:
“Canada’s tallest mountain, the Yukon’s towering Mount Logan, may have experienced a growth spurt.
“The University of Alaska aerial survey, conducted last summer with a laser altimeter by Fairbanks-based geoscientist Sandy Zirnheld, pegged Canada’s geographic zenith at 5,966 metres. That’s seven metres (23 feet) higher than the official height of 5,959 metres, determined in 1992 after a celebrated climb to the top by a team of Canadian researchers led by Mike Schmidt of the Geological Survey of Canada.
“Snow and ice accumulation is the most likely explanation,” Chris Larsen, the scientist leading the University of Alaska’s research on the continent’s northwest mountain ranges, said.”
5. North to Alaska and more growing glaciers
Alaska’s glaciers have been in retreat for nearly 200 years. But now they’re advancing again. reports the cold, hard facts:
“Unusually large amounts of Alaskan snow last winter were followed by unusually chilly temperatures there this summer. “In general, the weather this summer was the worst I have seen in at least 20 years,” says Bruce Molnia of the U.S. Geological Survey, and author of The Glaciers of Alaska. “It’s been a long time on most glaciers where they’ve actually had positive mass balance (added thickness).”
“Overall, Molnia figures Alaska had lost 10–12,000 square kilometers of ice since 1800, the depths of the Little Ice Age. That’s enough ice to cover the state of Connecticut. Climate alarmists claim all the glaciers might disappear soon, but they haven’t looked at the long-term evidence of the 1,500-year Dansgaard-Oeschger climate cycles. During the Little Ice Age—1400 to 1850—Muir Glacier filled the whole of Glacier Bay. Since then, the glacier has retreated 57 miles.
6. Glaciers are growing in California. California?
You might be surprised to learn that the Golden State has glaciers. And the Associated Press says they’re growing:
“Global warming is shrinking glaciers all over the world, but the seven tongues of ice creeping down Mount Shasta’s flanks are a rare exception: They are the only known glaciers in the continental U.S. that are growing.”
7. A glacier is growing on Washington’s Mt. St. Helens.
Mount Saint Helens has glaciers? But it’s an active volcano. But, but, but…
KATU-TV reports the details:
“On May 18, 1980, the once bucolic ice-cream cone shape that defined Mount St. Helens in Washington state disappeared in monstrous blast of ash, rock, gas, and heat.
“Inside the volcano, which was once a soft dome of snow but is now a gaping, steaming menace with an unpredictable streak, an unexpected phenomenon is taking place: a glacier is growing.
“In these days of global warming concerns and scientists showing alarming then-and-now images of glaciers disappearing from mountainsides, it may be the only growing glacier in America – or maybe the world.
8. Glaciers are growing in France and Switzerland, too
Another continent has reported in. According to an article in the Journal of Geophysical Research, glaciers are growing in France and Switzerland, too:
The research was conducted by six scientists from leading agencies and departments in France and Switzerland that deal with hydrology and glaciology. The research was funded by Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers de Grenoble (OSUG), the European Programs ALPCLIM and CARBOSOL, and by the city of Chamonix Mont-Blanc.Vincent et al. collected a variety of datasets that could help them understand how the high-elevation glaciers of Mont Blanc were impacted by variations and trends in climate. Among other findings, they found that the mass balance of the glaciers is strongly controlled by precipitation, not temperature.
Vincent et al. state “The most striking features of these figures are the small thickness changes observed over the 20th century. For both areas, thickness variations do not exceed ±15 m. The average changes are +2.6 m at Dôme du Goûter (please note that this glacier is growing) and -0.3 m (-12 inches) at Mont Blanc.
“Considering the uncertainty interval, i.e., ±5 m, it can be concluded that no significant thickness change is detectable over most of these areas”. “All these results suggest that the SMBDôme du Goûter and Mont Blanc did not experience any significant changes over the 20th century.”
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